Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Wolves plays

Foye and Miller are gone - we have moved up in the draft - more could happen before Thur. I like Foye and Miller but am ok with the move - there are players I definitley don't want to trade so; we will see what happens. And I don't know squat about the 3 we picked up but am not going to invest anytinme yet - who knows if they will actually put on a uniform in the fall.

Healthcare reform is NOT socialized medicine

Leading cause of bankruptcies is out-of-pocket medical expenses – even for people with insurance.

Three percent of Medicare's premiums go for administrative costs. By contrast, 10 to 20 percent of private-insurance premiums go for administrative costs.

New York Times/CBS News poll found that 72 percent of the public supports this “public option.” The poll, released Saturday, also found that 57 percent of the public is willing to pay more taxes to insure the uninsured.

IMO – healthcare should be about the keeping people healthy –preventative maint :) - treating long term illness – respectful care for the dying – not profits.

stay tuned to a variety of sources as this is constantly evolving.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Pawlenty cuts

One Proposed Cut:
Reduce Children and Community Service Grants to counties by 25% the first year and 33% the second year for a loss of $16.9 million the first year and $22.3 the second. These grants fund child protection, children's mental health services, pregnant adolescents and adolescent parents and their children, adults who are vulnerable and in need of protection, people over age 60 who need help living independently, adults with mental illness, people with developmental disabilities, people with substance abuse issues, parents with incomes below 70% of state median income who need child care services for their children, and children and adolescents at risk of involvement with criminal activity.
Eliminate emergency general assistance.

So the poor, elderly, sick, mentally ill, disabled, and at risk youth can be cut to balance the budget.
They won’t write checks for his Presidential campaign so they don’t count.
If people can’t help themselves – screw ‘em – nice attitude.
His party wants to act like they are the party of Patriots and Christians – the only true Americans – not like us despicable liberals.
Well here is what the inscription on the Statue of Liberty says:

“Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me.
I lift my lamp beside the golden door."

And I am no student of the Bible but there are many passages about feeding and clothing the poor/helpless/ill etc.

We all do better when we all do better – simple concept!!

Friday, June 12, 2009

yes it's true - I still have a blog

I can’t believe how long it has been since I blogged. See what Facebook and Twitter do to you? I’m on those constantly. Of course it helps I can text to those from my phone. And those damn apps on Fbook – I have to tend my farm and my lil green patch. People want me to join Mafia Was but I’ve been holding off on that one.

So what has been up? Not much really. Monday my SD67 Women’s group is having a surprise birthday party for Senator Mee Moua – she is turning 40! Tonight Heidi and I are going to a Lynx game – they are 3 and 0 so should be a really good game. WNBA is so fun – a lot like a college game with how the crowd is so in to it – not like NBA which is a little more snooty – I mean, there are fans at a Twolves game, but also a lot of people who are “out on the town” – I call it boobies and makeup nights.

Weight loss – no more loss but no gain either – haven’t worked out in at least 3 weeks so need to get back on that bandwagon!!!

Next Wed I am babysitting Penelope for the first time – wish me well!

Sun I am going to a fashion show (with Mom) that Abby will be in – it is for the Cottage Grove Strawberry Fest – Abby is competing for Little Miss Cottage Grove. I am so excited for her. The Pageant/crowning is on the 18th and I’ll be going there too.

Then me – Heidi and Carrie are off to Milwaukee for Polish Fest – our first LRH road trip!!!

One political tidbit – Palin vs Lettermen – he is guilty of not being funny (and it was dumb) and that is it. But I don’t even really care about that – what annoys me is the milking of the situation and how it is used to go on 24 wild anti-Obama tangents. Palin was on the Today show and she was talking about the Letterman joke – and she managed to work it into a snide comment…….she was referring to during campaign when Obama said families were off limits (and he meant everyone’s – not just his – I think it was actually a direct reference to her pregnant teen) but of course she made it sound like it was only his and then she said “He who must be obeyed” or “The President who must be obeyed”. What does that type of statement have to do with anything – it is childish, bully, playground behavior but that is all they have. She has the right to say it – but what purpose does it serve? You think you have a real plan - tell me about it. But you don’t - so you play bulldog on non-issues and rally the faithful nutjobs.