Monday, March 24, 2008

Wolves/Sarah Jane Olsen

Abby and I went to a Twolves game - it was a lot of fun and they won! I bought Abby a small bball and an Al Jefferson jersey for me as they were half off! Only 45$.

Sara Jane/Kathleen S was released and now they say it was a clerical error and she needs to go back. I wasn't around (old enough anyway) when all the SLA stuff was going on so don't really knwo much about it. She was a productive citizen for many years after - then was found out and served 6 years. Do we really need to spend additional tax dollars incarcerating her some more? It just doesn't seem like a worthwhile solution. She isn't a threat and, in fact, has been an asset to her community for many years - maybe trying to make up for her errors.

Yes she committed a crime but has served time - she didn't actually kill anyone - maybe that was more becasue of luck than anything else, but she didn't.

There have been more heinous criminals let go to walk our streets than Sara Jane.


Heideldy Deideldy said...

Totally agree...everyone talks about our overcrowded prisons and then they put her back in. I think if she hadn't attempted to blow up some police there wouldn't have been such a fuss.

Jon N. said...

Do the crime, do the time.

I don't buy the "clerical error" story though. Something smells in the CA penal system.