Monday, April 7, 2008

chores never get done

I spend my weekends doing everything but chores :) I think I have clothes still in the washer from Fri. Shopped til I dropped and got a huge amount of clothes for only 100$. Went to Wendy's for a girl party Sat - we ate gourmet pizza from Umbria. Chicken fajita, bacon cheeseburger and a macaroni and cheese pizza. They were all very good - even the mac and cheese. I made a sangria so got dippy on the wine and was in bed by midnite - criminy am I getting old?? My plan was to be up until at least two. We played some dvd games called Shout About or something like that. Sort of like trivia games but they are dvd's so you can play on the telly. They have them in tv, movies and music.

My friend Courtney had her baby on April Fools day - a darling little girl named Olivia.

Sun was a Wolves game - only two left. They lost but played well for most of the game. It's those moral victories as Bassy (Sebastian Telfair) said - that is the most we can hope for, are they doing well, making less mistakes, shooting better, rebounding more etc. And the answer is yes - they have potential to be a decent team. I will be "Renewing my Blue" this week. Also........ Carrie was looking for a connection to take 7 students to a game as a reward for an incentive program she has for a class of her kids. So I emailed Lindsay (my ticket rep) and she comped Carrie 9 tickets to Wed's games - at $125 per seat. Dude - those seats are better than mine!!!! It is cool tho' that she was able to do that - the kids have never been to a game and they are really into basketball.

Can't wait.


Mama Kautz said...

hey girlfriend we need an update!! :)

Jon N. said...

U ready for Kraftwerk this weekend!?

Woo hoo!