Monday, July 21, 2008

the post-Buffet post

excellent jopint we ate at twice

Daddy Maxwells Diner
elf jj

crowd - Partridge family bus in the background
slipping and sliding for drinks
beach set up

jon and gen

shot from a machine gun dispenser - no idea what it was but she made a face after she drank it

shark boy and lava girl
roz carrying me around

out setup
a random tiki bar

Buffet wants you to take a spin - the wheel asks you to do obscene things or take drinks etc

pnut (roz) and a gay pirate
brent and elf

more of our setup

no I didn't sleep!
g resting
we are sitting in our chairs watching the parade of peeps go by




what - more sleeping


swimming while drinking

this is Pnut with her bick cock - her story was this.... on her way to Buffet to violate some Parrotheads she stopped off for a little cock in WI. Silly Girl.

This is outside Moes - a great 50's diner Don and I have stopped at before. I think in Osseo,WI.

so we had lots of fun with a couple bumps per usual. The crowd was a little disappointing this year. Probably a combo of weather and the economy. My van had us, Jon and Gen and Pnut (my friend Sharon). We headed out about 9:30 am on Fri.
Fri night dinner at the resort - not so great. We won't go back there.
Sat - Breakfast at Daddy Maxwells and the off to the Show
Sun - Breakfast /lunch at Daddy Maxwells and then home

Monday, July 14, 2008

Dragon Boats

Zach rowed in one of these over the weekend - they made top 10.

The fierce faces of Chinese dragon boats filled St. Paul's Lake Phalen on Sunday with 27 crews of 20 each racing in their exotic vessels, part of the weekend's Dragon Festival at Phalen Park on the city's East Side.
The 40-foot-long boats are elaborately carved and painted, and crews paddle to the beat of their own drummers on board.
The festival had an Asian-Pacific flair, with activities including Hawaiian dance troupes, martial arts demonstrations, dance and other arts, and Indian, Thai, Hmong, Vietnamese and Chinese food.

Franken gets Democratic challenger in Senate race

this ticks me off - if she was so interested she should have been in the process a longtime ago. If we are going to have endorsements then people should stick to them - or dump them. I'm not married to either but it just muddies the waters when people jump in at this point. Does she want Norm to win????

excerpt - Democratic Senate candidate Al Franken will face a primary opponent, an attorney from a well-known family in Minnesota legal circles.
Priscilla Lord Faris said she will file paperwork to run in the September primary before Tuesday's deadline. Lord Faris is the daughter of retired federal judge Miles Lord, who remains active in DFL politics. She is managing partner of a personal injury law firm.
source -

my hood

great article about my hood - bad news about my hood....... my house used to appraise at over 200 thou and now is more like 130 because of the bust. The house in the photo is vacant - probably was over 200 thou a few years ago. Wish I was a buyer these days :)

btw....I am President of the Board for DBNHS (mentioned in the article)

Thursday, July 10, 2008


Travis has one!! Zach helped him get hired at Potbelly in Woodbury. I am very excited for him and hope it works out.

Don has a new one - he started working for our friend Tony's Mr Handyman company. Last night he got his first company shirt. So far he has worked at a private home and 3 Auntie Annes stores at the malls making repairs. The pay is much better and he seems to be liking it and he can learn to be even more handy :)

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

George Michael Set List

XCEL Energy Center, 07/07/2008
First Half
Waiting (Reprise)
Fast Love/
Im Your Man
Father Figure
First Time Ever
Hard Day
Everything She Wants
One More Try
Different Corner
Easier Affair
Too Funky

IntervalJohn & Elvis video

Second Half
Spinning The Wheel
Feeling Good
Kissing A Fool
Praying For Time
Carless Whisper
Freedom 90
Freedom Reprise


last night was water x at the Y - I love working out in the pool.

Rest of the week is low key so I can recover from the holiday :)

Sat morn is pedis with heidi
Sat night is a Lynx game (WNBA) with friends and family

Sun - pool at Heidis???? I don't know if she will be there but she gave me her spare keys for the summer - Rock On Sistah!!

We are 9 days away from heading to Alpine Valley for the Jimmy Buffet extravenganza - this year I plan to take pix and post them cuz you won't believe what goes on there. Crazy peeps having a good time in creative ways :)

funny political post - if u b lib

Fellow John McCain supporters:Please consider a contribution to our great 43rd Republican President's new library with locations in Crawford, Texas and a satellite facility in Bagdad.
The George W Bush Presidential Library (sponsored by John McCain) is now in the planning stages. The Library will include:

The Hurricane Katrina Room, which is still under construction.

The Alberto Gonzales Room, where you won't be able to remember anything.

The Texas Air National Guard Room, where you don't even have to show up.

The Walter Reed Hospital Room, where they don't let you in.

The Guantanamo Bay Room, where they don't let you out.

The Weapons of Mass Destruction Room, which no one has been able to find.

The National Debt room which is huge and has no ceiling.

The "Tax Cut" Room with entry only to the wealthy.

The "Economy Room" which is in the toilet.

The Iraq War Room. After you complete your first tour, they make you to go back for a second,
third, fourth, and sometimes fifth tour.

The Dick Cheney Room, in the famous undisclosed location, complete with shotgun gallery.

The Environmental Conservation Room, still empty.

The Supreme Ct Scalia Gift Shop, where you can buy an election.

The 'Decider Room' complete with dart board, magic 8-ball, Ouija board, dice, coins, and straws.

The museum will have an electron microscope to help you locate the President's accomplishments.

Admission: Republicans - free: Democrats -- $1000 or 3 Euros

Tuesday, July 8, 2008


is sexier than ever! Seriously - he put on a great show. He was very thankful to his fans for support - you could just tell he was having so much FUN!

He played for about 2 1/2 hours - 2 encores. He closed the show with Freedom.
The crowd was also awesome - lots of dancing and singing along. So I got a bonus workout

It was over way to soon and I wish I could do it again!!!!
I was so energized it took FOREVER to fall asleep

Monday, July 7, 2008


Thur July 3rd - day off - hung at Heidis pool and then went on Tony and Nadines boat and watched fireworks over the river in St Paul - COOL.

Fri the 4th - Canterbury - we also won back most of our money - it was nice that Travis came with his girlfriend so we could all get to know her. I like her so that is a nice bonus. Then off to our house for our annual neighbor party - great food and near death experience (check out Heidis blog for details and pics) What more can you ask for :)

Sat the 5th - Saints game - they made a comback and won - we tailgated and had a good time

Sun 6th - Joey called and asked if I wanted to go to Twins game - so Heidi and I were both at the Twins game but not together. The game was boring until the 7th inning - then it was awesome - TWINS WIN!!!

Mon - back at work - not feeling that well. Tonight George Michael concert with my friend Wendy. CAN"T WAIT! Guilty feet have got no rhythm