Monday, July 21, 2008

the post-Buffet post

excellent jopint we ate at twice

Daddy Maxwells Diner
elf jj

crowd - Partridge family bus in the background
slipping and sliding for drinks
beach set up

jon and gen

shot from a machine gun dispenser - no idea what it was but she made a face after she drank it

shark boy and lava girl
roz carrying me around

out setup
a random tiki bar

Buffet wants you to take a spin - the wheel asks you to do obscene things or take drinks etc

pnut (roz) and a gay pirate
brent and elf

more of our setup

no I didn't sleep!
g resting
we are sitting in our chairs watching the parade of peeps go by




what - more sleeping


swimming while drinking

this is Pnut with her bick cock - her story was this.... on her way to Buffet to violate some Parrotheads she stopped off for a little cock in WI. Silly Girl.

This is outside Moes - a great 50's diner Don and I have stopped at before. I think in Osseo,WI.

so we had lots of fun with a couple bumps per usual. The crowd was a little disappointing this year. Probably a combo of weather and the economy. My van had us, Jon and Gen and Pnut (my friend Sharon). We headed out about 9:30 am on Fri.
Fri night dinner at the resort - not so great. We won't go back there.
Sat - Breakfast at Daddy Maxwells and the off to the Show
Sun - Breakfast /lunch at Daddy Maxwells and then home


Anonymous said...

Yay for Buffet Pix! LRH2

Jon N. said...

I'm not sure what's funnier: all of us posing with the big cock, or the codpiece on that shark!