Wednesday, January 7, 2009


Last night Don and I were chatting and I don't remember how we got to this topic but were talking about my mom's recent ER visit and I said that it sucks for parents to get older and I hated seeing mom look so fragile and tired etc. And then I thought - oops Don's mom passed afew years ago. So then I said - "as you know from your mom going so quickly". Then he said "I'm sure I will cry more when your mom dies as I am closer to her than I was to my own mom" Don had a crappy childhood and his mom never was close to us - my kids didn't think of her as a grandma as we hardly saw even though she lived close by. She would often skip their birthday parties as she had better things to do. So be thankful for the family you have - warts and all. I AM!!!!!!

1 comment:

Mama Kautz said...

it SUCKS having parents age and even die....I am not sure I will go to the reunion cause it will be 10 years since dad passed.......