Thursday, May 22, 2008

catchin up

So last night Carrie and I were supposed to go to Baby Mama at the theater but then her dogs were sickies so I decided to go hang at her place and watch movies/tv. I picked up Thai on the way - YUM!
We watched a ro-co (romantic comedy) and while I was reluctant at first, I actually liked it. We have a running "discussion" that C only watches ro-co's - at least when we go to the theater that is what she ALWAYS wants to see! And I like darker/sci-fi/indie/whatever more than ro-co. And C - yes I do know that you just watched some indies :) The movie had Paul Rudd whom I really like. And it was more of an indie type ro-co. Good music too.

Carrie dvr'd AI while we watched the movie so we were able to fast fwd through most - stopping here and there til the big reveal. I loved the Gladys Knight video with Ben Stiller, Jack Black and Robert Downey Jr as pips - it was hilarious and if I had a "list": Robert would be at the top. He is delicious.

I liked both Davids - preferred Cook and wanted him to win but yet not - I hope he doesn't get stuck with some dumb song they give him. Sometimes it is better to be 2nd and not have the year long committment to the show. They both have a chance to be very successful. I really thought little David was going to win.

Travi spent all his bday money on paintball stuff - hopefully he will get out now - he has some buddies interested in playing together. Took him to a gastro specialist yesterday - he has to take Prilosec for 3 months and then stop - if at that point he starts to get heartburn again, he starts back on the Prilo and goes in for an upper endoscopy.

This weekend - POOLS/SUN/FUN


Mama Kautz said...

ya for updates!

Anonymous said...

I am with Katey, Yay for updates! Robert Downey Jr is also totally at the top of my list, if I had a list! LrH2

Grandpa Jerome said...

Prilosec, how old is he, 16 or 17, it's a Jerome thing, sorry for the bad news.

I have been on Prilosec for about 7 years and don't dare go off of it.

I have had the whole series of tests, upper GI, lower GI, Flex-sig, you name it, I have had it.

Nothing wrong.

Lose weight, quit smoking, exercise, yadda, yadda, yadda, but I have lost weight, quit smoking and it still bothers me. So now what?


Mama Kautz said...

um...I have JUST Started noticing a need for ya about that.........DAMN! I didn't know it was in my genes!

jb said...

Travis is 17 as of the 24th and has good physcial health/weight. I'm sure a big part of his is stress/anxiety related and he was drinking A LOT of caffiene (SP?)sods - which he has stopped.