Monday, February 23, 2009


Fri - Wolves game with Heidi
Sat - Water exercise at Y - errands adn last minute celaning - bake cake (choc cake mix adn 1 can diet coke - no eggs or oil and it was delish! thanks Wendy) buy DQ cake get home and cleaned up for family bday party. I got a cool green velvety shawl/vest - LB gift card - trip to see Annie at Orpheum - cd's by Pink and Adele - cash for shopping. It was fun! We also celebrated Kelsey, Adam and Michele's bdays.

Then I did some more errands and came home to get ready for my kegger at 8. Thanks to all my friends and fam who attended. It was fun and I drank plenty - was up till 4ish - had to kick the Eberts out around 3:30 :) - Got lots of fun prizes - Bath and Body - wine - etc THANKS EVERYONE!

Sun - no hangover - went to Wolves game with Roz - she made me a fleece tie blankie for my bday and the fabric was Timberwolves - it is awesome and I snuggled up on the couch with it right away. Who knew Pnut could be crafty???? I was alittel sick to my tumy but it passed and i don't think it was related to the 3/4 bottle of Absolut I polished off. Seriously - think it was more the snacks I chowed down at 2 am. Best of all - no weight gained this weekend!

They played Crazy Train at the game so I started shouting "SHARON" - we had a giggle.

Back to work - found out about bonuses today and I am VERY PLEASED!!! My creditors will also be pleased ;)

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Leslie Sansone

last night I did my first mile with weights on my new DVD - walking away the pounds 5 day fitness walk....or something like that. I had planned to stop at the 1/2 mile but when it came I was like..already? so I kept going. Think I will do that for about a month and then move to the next level.

Monday, February 16, 2009


Today is my birthday......and I'm 45. I wasn't to whipped up about it - even kinda excited but now I'm actually a litle depressed. I'm on the downside to 50 starting tomorrow. Crap - how did this happen? Of course I don't feel like a grown up and probably never will.

So I will get over it but it just kinda hit me when my mom called to wish me a Happy Birthday. I AM 45!

I think I'll just reread Indian Summer :)

on a good note - lost another 2 lbs!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Women after 40

inspired by Heidi's posting here is Indian Summer:
Indian Summer

In youth, it was a way I had
To do my best to please,
And change, with every passing lad,
To suit his theories.

But now I know the things I know,
And do the things I do;
And if you do not like me so,
To hell, my love, with you!

Dorothy Parker

I have made comments like this ( I'm over 40 now and I just don't care if you like it etc) and some of my friends have been annoyed and even angry with me. Now I know that I am just trying to bring Dorothy's motto to life. So there

Monday, February 9, 2009

so much for patriotic

"Asked along with other prominent political types to write 400 words on his hopes for the president, Limbaugh said: "I don't need 400 words. I need four: I hope he fails.""

Not that you can't disagree - I spent the last 8 years pretty much on the opposite side of everything but no matter how much I didn't like BUSH - I wanted things to turn out well for the country - I wouldn't say I hope he fails.

Here's an example of Rush family values:
Limbaugh acknowledged an addiction to painkillers in 2003 and was arrested three years later. (Prosecutors agreed to drop a charge of prescription fraud if he underwent treatment.) He has been married and divorced three times.

Limbaugh's listening audience is relatively narrow -- it is predominantly white, male and politically conservative - and I don't like any of them.

weekend update

Gran Torino - good
eat at Khourys - good
cathcing up on Lost at Carries - Great! Carries always has the best snacks - and it was good to see her and hear about AMY getting better! It's a miracle for sure

Cleaned my living room in a MAJOR way - like vacuum the furniture and under furniture - hung up my St Paul poster - it looks awesome in there - worked a little on the dining room too.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

I have always hated TicketMaster

as often as possible Don and I buy our tickets at the venue so we don't pay 10 to 20 dollars extra for the priviledge (per ticket) of buying through TM.,0,1222255.story

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

been awhile

continuing on my healthier living but life has been getting in the way a little - still doing much better than ever before tho.

Trav is struggling again - appt with Dr Moore on Thur. Please think/pray for him.

Tonight Heidi, Seth, T and I are going to WOlves game. H and I will be in TWolves Suite - boys in my seats. Wolves won last night so that was good - had lost previous 3. Lakers were in town recently and I can't stand KOBE - makes me nuts.

Stayed in the Grove last night to watch girls as Jim and Michele had to make a last minute trip to Duluth to deal with Jim's Zach - on top of that Michele's truck broke down just before, or as, they got to town - it is toast so she needs a new car before she starts her new job Mon and they need to get home somehow. When it rains it pours!!

Work is ok - we may get pretty good bonuses so hopefully that will make up for the little or no raise.