Monday, February 23, 2009


Fri - Wolves game with Heidi
Sat - Water exercise at Y - errands adn last minute celaning - bake cake (choc cake mix adn 1 can diet coke - no eggs or oil and it was delish! thanks Wendy) buy DQ cake get home and cleaned up for family bday party. I got a cool green velvety shawl/vest - LB gift card - trip to see Annie at Orpheum - cd's by Pink and Adele - cash for shopping. It was fun! We also celebrated Kelsey, Adam and Michele's bdays.

Then I did some more errands and came home to get ready for my kegger at 8. Thanks to all my friends and fam who attended. It was fun and I drank plenty - was up till 4ish - had to kick the Eberts out around 3:30 :) - Got lots of fun prizes - Bath and Body - wine - etc THANKS EVERYONE!

Sun - no hangover - went to Wolves game with Roz - she made me a fleece tie blankie for my bday and the fabric was Timberwolves - it is awesome and I snuggled up on the couch with it right away. Who knew Pnut could be crafty???? I was alittel sick to my tumy but it passed and i don't think it was related to the 3/4 bottle of Absolut I polished off. Seriously - think it was more the snacks I chowed down at 2 am. Best of all - no weight gained this weekend!

They played Crazy Train at the game so I started shouting "SHARON" - we had a giggle.

Back to work - found out about bonuses today and I am VERY PLEASED!!! My creditors will also be pleased ;)

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