Thursday, January 15, 2009

becoming addicted to SPARK

I really love this site and the emails - it keeps me thinking about healthy choices.
for example - I got an email today with comments from people who hate to exercise but found ways to make it work for them. Couple things really stuck out - like "don't think of it as exercising...think of it as living" and "our bodies we made to move"
here's another one - "I have always thought of my exercise time as ME time, and I try to treat each session like any other appointment in my day. I don't do it for anyone else's benefit, only my own."

So my plan is to really do this slow and right and permanently !!!!! Which doesn't mean I'll never eat another piece of Key Liem Pie but it won't be 2 or 3 and overall I will make betetr choices and move my BUTT!!!!

1 comment:

Mama Kautz said...

WTG!!! that is so great!!