Thursday, January 22, 2009


I did it.... I bought a (TA da) SCALE!! It has been many years since I have had a scale in my house. So I jumped on it and (drum roll)I have lost between 6 and 10 pounds. Now the reason I'm not sure is because I don't remember my exact weight when I went to the Dr on Dec 29th. Either way it is awesome! I have been at it for about 3 weeks. The best part is I don't really feel like I've been depriving myself. I have been exercising but not as much as I need to - eating better but not perfect - and I still lost weight. Maybe my brain is finally ready.

One of the things on Spark People was to choose some reasons/motivators for losing weight - things like - I want to be more active - I want to easily tie my shoes - I want to go to an amusement park and not be afraid to go on a ride because I might not fit and that would be SO EMBARASSING!! You are supposed to make a poster then of pix related to those themes. I haven't done that yet but just thinking about that stuff is so empowering. I do have my pledge card posted in my cube - "I promise to make healthy and positive choices so I can live a healthy lifestyle and reach my goals"!

Went to Y last night and did 50 minutes of H2O exercise and 2 laps.

And the eating thing - I know I'm an emotional eater but have become oh so much more aware of it......and that is the hardest type of eater to make changes - Food is for celebrating - gatherings - sad times - mad times - etc.

So anyway - just think what I will be able to accomplish as I continue to improve my eating and increase my exercise. And seriously - I still can have treats and choose to have "bad" days and be successful in the long haul cuz that is what it is all about.....time. And even when I have bad days - they aren't as bad as they used to be because I actually decide to slow down, have less or stop while I'm in the midst of it. SO right now it's all good but there will be hard days and weeks.

Keep on keeping on - it's all we can do.

I'm not on a diet but a life long journey!!!

Yikes - that is a lot of soul baring for me :)


Anonymous said...

You ROCK! I love ya, girl! Congrats : )

And I finally figured out what I was going wrong with posting comments heehee.


Anonymous said...

PS: Love your little Chickies, Chicky!


Mama Kautz said...


Mama Kautz said...

love the background
our last name means OWL in German so that is why I picked it