Wednesday, July 22, 2009


patient gets surgery pre-authorized and insurance still denies payment – says pre-auth doesn’t guarantee payment! WTF!!! They went to the newspaper and suddenly insurance was willing to pay.


you must be insured

This healthcare stuff is so irritating – it needs major overhaul but I don’t even think this admin is getting it right – not to my ideas anyway. I am so sick of all the con crap being put out by insurance companies – sick of Dems that take money from insurance whiel on the very committees working on reform. Conflicts????? Insurance company profits need to be removed from the equation.

Decisions in healthcare are made every day based on money and profits, not the health of people - so don’t tell me socialized medicine would be worse. I don’t decide my care or drugs and neither does my doctor – the insurance companies do….and they base it on how much money they can make.

For every person from another country (found by insurance companies or cons) that says gov’t healthcare sucks - I can find you one that loves it. I talked with 2 Canadians who were cutting their vacation a little short to go home for a health issue – they had some care here to stabilize and didn’t even have to pay for that.

Watch Michael Moores movie - you don't have to like him and yes he has an agenda but there is info and examples there that people should see.

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