Thursday, February 7, 2008

Warning!!!! P Runway Spoiler!!! And more

from Brain M - DFL MN chair - Note: We not only broke all prior records, we shattered them. The all-time caucus-turnout record, in 1968, was under 80,000. Turnout topped 75,000 only one other time, in 1972. Last night we topped 200,000; Secretary of State Mark Ritchie estimates that, when all the precincts report, more than 230,000 DFLers attended a precinct caucus -- triple the old record.

didn't want the spoiler to be first thing :)

Finally Ricky is gone - I am glad. What cracked me up tho' is he cried every episode except this one. He gets sent home and doesn't cry? That was worth crying over!

Mitt Romney dropped out today/suspended his campaign - good news. Also potentially scary - does that mean his peeps will now flock to Huckabee? YIKES!!!

The caucus was fun and packed! Like Heidi I was secretary for my precinct - the job no one ever wants :) 112 people voted and it was like 67 Obama and 45 Hilary - Don even stopped by to vote. About 20-25 people were there for the bulk of the meeting - everyone else came and went.
At the after party I shook hands with Walter Mondale - that was SOOO COOL!! Brought back my memory of going to pay respects at Humphries casket with my dad at the capitol all those years ago - DFL from birth don'tcha know!

In case you were wondering I am for Hilary first and Obama second.

Tomorrow is the big Celtics - Wolves game and it is looking like KG won't play. I hope he at least shows up. If not, it will be a big bummer!!!!


Carrie said...

Too funny - I almost volunteered to secretary too. . . but then the lady next to me (we were in the front row). . . volunteered. That would have been crazy if all three Hens were keepin' notes!! :)

PS - Yes, about Ricky.

PPS - why did you text "clap, clap, clap, yay Jack?" I didn't see any major YAYs last night at all?

jb said...

I just liked it when he said there were guns trained on Miles and Dan but Miles didn't believe him - till a bullet rang out.