Wednesday, November 12, 2008


while not as dramatic or crazy as Heidi's dreams I did have a minor nightmare last night. SOMEONE stole my beloved Coach purse. I was on a trip with a bunch of folks (on a bus?? I think) and stuck my purse down with all the luggage in bins cuz I wasn't going to need to access it. When we got home (it seemed to be a school or college) I went over to where everything was being unloaded and the bin my purse was in was EMPTY!! How could someone I had just be on a trip with walk off with my purse?!?!?!? Then I was thinking - oh well...not so bad - at least my wallet and check book weren't in there as I had removed them prior - but wait that's right I put them back just before I put it in the bin. Great - now I have to call the bank and credit card companies - what a pain!

Then I woke up (fell asleep on couch) and saw my purse on the chaise and all was well.

Having my purse in my sight at all times is a bit of an OCD issue for me - no matter what kind of purse it is - if I can't see then I think something is wrong (forgot it, lost it etc). That's right.....I am slightly nuts!!!

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