Thursday, November 6, 2008

mostly hoops

so my Halloween post isn't working - I'll try again later. Tried to upload a video.

Twolves lost in double OT to the Spurs last night - they played pretty good but there were some dumb errors and a rash of bad calls. No one could stop Parker tho' -he had over 50 points. It was ridiculous - he doesn't even look that good but man he was unstoppable. Pnut went with me and we had a great time. She is a good bball date as she likes the game and UNDERSTANDS the game. It was free parking too - BONUS!

Kevin Love is looking good - people mad about the Mayo trade should get over it. He may not be a Superstar but he has talent and has been an asset already.

No we just need to start winning - next home game is the 15th but I will be in Lancaster. Who wants my tix?

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