Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Election is over

OBAMA WINS! I was home in my jammies last night switching between about 8 channels of coverage. At 8:10 I decided to throw some clothes on and head over to OBBS Bar where my state rep Sheldon Johnson was having an election night do. The drinks were cheap and there were free appies (which I didn't eat). It was fun - caught up with some folks I hadn't seen in a while (like Kathy Lantry City Council President).
I decided to go home aroudn 10 and put my jammies back on and settle in for a late night when to my surprise they started calling Obama the winner. It was SO AWESOME!

Headed home and watched both speeches. McCain gave an excellent speech even though some of the morons in the audience started booing. When Obama gave his speech and mentioned McCain the dems clapped.....I'm just saying.

Looks like Franken is giong to lose - it is very close and there will be a recount but I don't think it will matter.

Now we just have to keep it together and not screw anything up. The DEMs have a huge responsibilty. It is a very tough road ahead and I don't envy the pols who will try to fix the messes.

1 comment:

Mama Kautz said...

it sucks being on the west coast....they call who wins at about the times our polls close :( although it makes for an early night